Alexander Strifler
Light always moves
Light has always played a special role for me. During my film studies, I understood how strongly light can influence the atmosphere and convey emotions. This fascination has stayed with me to this day and is one of the reasons why I love my job so much. At SATTLER, I can deal with precisely this topic and help design lighting solutions that are aesthetically and functionally convincing.
With my background in film and my passion for moving image communication, I feel that SATTLER is the right place for me. Here I have the opportunity to use my skills to put light centre stage as an emotional and aesthetic element. Together we create solutions that not only illuminate spaces, but bring them to life.
Curriculum vitae and expertise
Head of Marketing at SATTLER
Specialist for:
Moving image communication and marketing strategies
Professional stations:
Film production Filmfrei (2015-2017) - co-founder and producer
Set up own film production company with a colleague. Realisation of image films, commercials and documentaries.
SKILLCADEMY360 - Co-founder (2018)
Development of own digital apps for promotion and interaction in the sports sector.
Freestyle Academy - Content Creator
Social media content creator for Germany's first freestyle hall with a focus on creative communication for young, sports-enthusiastic target groups.
freeskiers.net - Editing and content production
Editorial work for a well-known ski magazine, development of content for the sporty target group.
HD+ - Internship
Development of own programmes and first experiences in the field of moving images and TV production.
Film studies at HDM Stuttgart: sound knowledge of image design, lighting and storytelling.